Here you can find information about changes to the HP
* 08.07.17 - PHP Fusion installed and partially set up
* 09.07.17 - PCPIN CHAT installed and partially set up
* 10.07.17 - Theme Stars Heaven installed
* Various installations and fine adjustments made
* 21.07.17 - Blue dot for send display in chat added
* 22.07.17 - get domain name (
* 23.07.17 - Festival entries set up
* 24.07.17 - Pictures fixed transmission stopped
* 26.07.17 - Radio stream received and released for internal test
* 28.07.17 - New security prompt configured
* 29.07.17 - Small design change (thanks to user Ragdoll), adding players and stream in chat
* 01.08.17 - The AutoDJ stream made available to the public as all licenses are available
* 02.08.17 - stream integrated into the chat
* 03.08.17 - team pictures renewed
* 05.08.17 - Partner link and visitor statistics added
* 03.09.17 - HP redesigned, the visitor numbers of the old ones were 8252
* 10.09.17 - New schedule and streambox on the HP as well as Html5 player integrated into the chat
* 11.09.17 - autokick function added in chat
* 12.09.17 - Guest access with names set up
* 19.11.17 - Event calendar set up
* 17.12.17 - New chat published
* 29.12.17 - membership card added, some graphical bugs fixed
* 08.02.18 - Old chat reactivated again
* 01.02.19 - Web Statistics newly installed. Old visitor counter 142.271
* 20.06.19 - Started with the new website
* 01.07.19 - New HP released, new chat integrated